Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Wales is a country that is part of the United Kingdom, its bordered by England to its East and  the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea to its West.


Welsh national identity emerged among the celtic Britons after the roman withdrawal from Britain in the 5th century and Wales is regarded as one of the modern Celtic nations.

Wales shares a close political and social history with the rest of Great Britain, and almost every one speaks English; the country has retained a distinct cultural identity and is officially billingual.  The whole of wales was annexed by England and incorporated within the English Legal System.  Welsh national feeling grew over the century 19th and the Welsh Language Society was formed in 1962.

The English words "Wales" and "Welsh" derive from the same Germanic roots.

Government and politics:

Wales is a country that is part of the United Kingdom.  Constitutionally the UK is a unitary state, its parliament in Westminster.  Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland which along with England are the four constituen countries of the United Kingdom have a degree of autonomous devolved power - the Scottish government and Scottish parliament in Scotland, the Welsh government and National Assembly for wales in Wales and the Northern Ireland Executive and Northern Ireland Assembly in Northern Ireland.  Such devolved power is only delegated by Britain's central government, specifically by the Parliament of the United Kingdom which is supreme under the doctrine of parlilamentary Supremacy.

Carwin Jones is the first minister of Wales since December 2009.


If you are planning to visit Wales, here you can find its climate in all the seasons of the year. Wales lies within the north temperate zone.  Its climate is changeable and is one of the wettest countries in Europe.  Welsh weather is often cloudy, wet and windy with warm summers and mild winters.  The long summer days and short winter days result from Wales' northerly latitudes (between 53° 43' N and 51° 38' N ).

At low elevations, summers tend to be warm and sunny.   Average maximun temperatures range between 19° C (66°F) and 22°C (72°F)  Winters tend to be fairly wet, but rainfall is rarely excessive and teh temperature usually stays above freezing.  spring and autum feel quite similar and the temperatures tend to stay above 14°C (57°F) also the average anual daytime temperature.

The sunniest time of year tend to be between May and August.


Lets know some aspects of Wales economy, since over the last 250 years wales has been transformed first from a predominantly agricultural country to an industrial, and now a post-industrial economy.  

Port talboot steelworks - once the largest employer in Wales.

The pound sterling is the currency used in Wales.  British coin one pound (£1) is a denomination of the pound sterling.  Its obserse has featured the profile of Queen elizabeth II since the coin introduction in 1983.  Three different portraits of the queen have been used.


A distint education system has developed in wales.  Wales was forced to adopt and education system that was English in ethos even thought the country was predominantly non conformist, Welsh+speaking and democraphically uneven because the economic expansion in the south.  In some schools, to ensure Elsh children spoke English at school, the Welsh not was used.  State and local govenmental edicts resulted in schooling in the English language.   

The University College of Wales opened inAberystwyth in 1872.  Cardiff and Bangor followed and the three colleges came together in 1893 to form the University of Wales.

Saint Davis Building, Lampeter Campus, University of Wales, Trinity Saint Davis.

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